Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Fry

A lot of emotions today I tell you, I was sad... scared... excited... confused... then happy, my mind was all over the place today.  Tomorrow I am making a big decision that will impact my near future in many ways.  Honestly, I believe I am making the right decision, but I fear what lies ahead.  In many ways, isn't being scared a good way to know if an individual is making the right choice?  Many times we pass on opportunities because of fear, but I believe fear usually turns into confidence over time.  At this point, my confusion and my thoughts will remain my own, but once I am determined on what I have to do, and actually do it, I will be more than willing to share my big news. 

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Blondies


October 9, 2009, is when it all started; I sat down to write my very first post.  I wasn't quite sure what to write about since blogging didn't come easy to me until a few months later.  In the past one year, I have learned so much about blogging, photography, and a few cooking tips along the way.  Blogging has enriched my life in so many ways, it keeps me happy and keeps me engaged, a hobby that I am so passionate about.  I want to take this time and thank all the readers of Honey, What's Cooking for their inspiring comments and feedback along the way.  I hope you will continue on this journey with me in the coming years.  THANK YOU ALL!!! 

Chimney Rock Inn


Today is 10/10/10, only happens once you know?  It is also my sis-in-law and brother's anniversary... celebrating 18 years and many more to come.  My entire family (minus the Cali people) got together to celebrate both my brother's 18th anniversary and my sister's 20th anniversary at Chimney Rock Inn, which is a family favorite.  It's nice that this restaurant isn't really a franchise and caters to very large groups... I prefer non-franchise restaurants in general. 